Soda Pop – How it affects your health.

Cool glass of iced soda

Cool glass of iced soda

OK!!! Who HASN’T downed a long, cool refreshing glass of soda?? Particularly when it’s lovely, warm and sunny outside. I know I have, on many occasions, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Whether you call it “Pop”, “Soda”, “Juice”, “Seltzer” or “Coke”, it’s a carbonated, artificially flavored fruit drink. Although this article is more concerned with the effects of carbonated beverages, please remember that most beverages otherwise known generically as a “Soft Drinks” have some of the same scarily bad for you contents too, just without the carbonation.

Soda Brands

Soda Brands

As I said in my first line above, I have enjoyed many a cool soft drink, as I am sure many of you have too. (Some reports estimate that each American consumes an average of 58 GALLONS of soda a year!!) But, how many of us have ever considered WHAT we are actually drinking, and the consequences of downing these types of liquids, in the quantities that we do?

Soft drinks, according to many recent medical and dental studies, have become one of the biggest sources of tooth decay as well as being linked to obesity, kidney damage, high blood pressure, diabetes and some cancers. Now, it’s not just the “full fat” or regular sodas that harm us. Diet sodas also have their own additional effects. Such as; boosting risk of strokes and heart attacks. Amazing that we still drink them huh???


What's REALLY in the can?

What’s REALLY in the can?

Water is, of course, the main ingredient. Hhhhhmmmm, now how can water be bad for us??? Well, in pretty much in the same way that salads, vegetables, fruits and plenty of other food stuffs are really good for us “au naturel”….it’s once we start adding the extras (i.e; salad dressings, sauces, butter and sugars) that the problems begin. Whilst in most natural foods, a little of what you fancy does you good, soda’s and most processed foods not only have excessive amounts of sugars (an average of 16 teaspoons per can of soda), fats and carbohydrates, they also have unnatural chemical ingredients added. Now while some of the chemicals in foods and beverages are there to prolong the shelf life and stabilize the mix (so ingredients don’t separate) in some cases the chemicals are, surprisingly,  there to make the food/drink taste better. So, getting back to the point – what is IN a soda drink and WHY are they bad for us?

What is in a soda?

What is in a soda?

Your long, cool, refreshing soda isn’t sounding quite so refreshing now is it?

Phosphoric acid – used to promote carbonation, give a sharper flavor, slow mold and bacteria growth (ever tried dropping a penny into a glass of Coke overnight? Comes out sparkling like new the next day!!!). This acid erodes tooth enamel, weakens bones.

Check the acid and sugar content of sodas!!

Check the acid and sugar content of sodas!!

Excessive Artificial Sweetener – a chemically manufactured substance used as a substitute for real sugar. Artificial sweeteners can inhibit rather than promote weight loss as they “trick” your body into thinking it is getting sugar so, upsetting the normal working process of the pancreas in producing insulin. They can also induce cravings for “more” sugar and sweet things, increase migraines and possibly lead to intestinal troubles and thymus gland damage. The chemicals used for artificial sweeteners can also convert to Formaldehyde at body temperature!.

Just looking at those two ingredients alone is enough to give me nightmares!!! An analysis of dental checkup data at the University of Michigan found that “Adults who drink three or more sodas a day have worse dental health. Soda drinkers had far greater decay, more missing teeth and more fillings”.

Just let it be said, SODA is BAD for you!!! Diet OR regular!! Try and drink alternatives such as milk, fruit juice (although in moderation, as these too contain citric acid) and best of all WATER!. If you CAN’T give up your soda habit at least try drinking it with a straw, to avoid as much direct contact with your teeth as possible. After all, which smile would YOU prefer?

This smile was caused by excessive drinking of Mountain Dew!

This smile was caused by excessive drinking of Mountain Dew!


THINK before you DRINK!!!






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